Neutral Names

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This site uses the U.S. Social Security Administration's Beyond the Top 1000 Names dataset to calculate and rank the most "statistically gender-neutral" names in any range of years.

Names are ranked by how close they are to a perfect 50/50 split between "F" and "M" records. Since some names have different historical gender distributions than their modern use, the data can be filtered by year ranges to find the most neutral names from a given time period. In particular, this can be interesting to filter to a 10–20 year range around when you were born.

As of 2022, when the data used in this site was last updated, the U.S. Social Security Administration only records "F" and "M" gender markers in their dataset, which is why those are the only two categories appearing here. Non-binary gender markers would be helpful information, but are not available.

This website was made by Eta.

The source code for this webpage is dual-licensed under the MIT and zlib licenses (© 2023 Eta).

Results incomplete; download of some name data is still in progress.
Name Skew Total Count Split F Count F Percent M Count M Percent